
  • 日期:2015-03-17
  • 9087


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2015.11-2015.12 New York University, Senior Research Scholar

2012-04--2013-01 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,USA, Senior Research Scholar

2012-01--今 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院经济预测研究室副主任

2010-03--2016-02 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 副研究员

2009-06--今 中国科学院预测科学研究中心 主任助理

2008-04--2009-01 university of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,USA, visiting scholar

2007-03--2010-03 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 助理研究员

2005-02--2007-03 北京西门子通信网络股份有限公司 工程师

2004-07--2005-02 机械工业信息研究院 助理研究员



[1]Some Advance of Input-Output Analysis-Theory and Practice in China,VDM published,Germany,2009.7,ISBN:978-3-639-18136-4

[2]刘秀丽、汪寿阳等,畜产品供需协调度和生产区域优化布局研究(专著),科学出版社,2013.5出版,ISBN: 978-7-03-037319-9

[3]刘秀丽(著作权人),陈锡康,基于投入占用产出分析的水资源管理关键问题研究,科学出版社,2016.8月出版,ISBN: 978-7-03-045055-5


[1] Xiuli Liu (Corresponding Author), Xikang Chen, Methods for approximating shadow price of water in China, Economic Systems Research, 2008, 20(2), 173-185.

[2] Xiuli Liu (Corresponding Author), Xikang Chen, Shouyang Wang, Evaluating and predicting shadow prices of water resources in China and its nine major river basins, Water Resources Management, 2009, 23(8), 1467-1478.

[3] Xiuli Liu (Corresponding Author), Shouyang Wang, Geoffrey J. D. Hewings, Evaluation on the impacts of the implementation of building energy efficiency standards on Chinese economic system and environment, Energy and Buildings, 2009, 41(10),1084-1090.

[4] Xiuli Liu (Corresponding Author), Ana Salome Garcia Muniz, Blanca Moreno, A grey neural network and input-output combined forecasting model. Primary energy consumption forecasts in Spanish economic sectors, Energy, 2016, 115,1042-1054.

[5] Qingrong Zou, Xiuli Liu (Corresponding Author), Economic effects analysis of seawater desalination in China with input-output technology, Desalination,2016, 380,18-28.

[6] Xiuli Liu (Corresponding Author), Geoffrey Hewings, Xikang Chen, Shouyang Wang, A factor decomposing model on water use efficiency at sector level and its application in Beijing, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2016, 29(2),405-427.

[7] Xiuli Liu (Corresponding Author), A method to visualize the skeleton industrial structure with input- output analysis and its application in China, Japan and USA, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2018-02-26 Accepted

[8] Xiuli Liu (Corresponding Author), Geoffrey J. D. Hewings, Finding underlying changes among sectors for the structure transformation of an economy with hierarchical feedback loop analysis, Journal of Investigative Medicine, 2014, 62 (8), 58-59.

[9] Xiaozhen Liang, Xiuli Liu (Corresponding Author), Fengmei Yang, Prediction model on Chinese annual live hog supply and its application, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2015, 28(2), 409-423.

[10] Xiuli Liu (Corresponding Author), Xikang Chen, The non-linear important coefficients input-holding-output model, International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics, 2005, 13(3), 429-438.

[11] Xiuli Liu (Corresponding Author), CPE-IHO model to calculate the direct, complete and conjunct impact of unfair importation on import country’s economy, International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics, 2006, 14(1),35-44.

[12] Xiuli Liu (Corresponding Author), By sector water consumption and related economy analysis integrated model and its application in Hai River Basin, China, Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 2012, 4(5), 264-276.


[1] Guan Zhaozhi Youth Researcher Award, Academy of Mathematics and system Science, 2010, prize for individuals

[2] China Youth Decision Science and Technology Award’ in 2015, 2015.8, prize for individual

[3] Award for Intellectual Contributions to Regional Economics Applications Laboratory,

Illinois, USA,2008, prize for individual

[4] Outstanding Research Award in 2012, Academy of Mathematics and system Science, 2013.1, prize for individual

[5] The National Water Resources and Hydropower Technology Achievement Award, 2004, prize for individual

[6] 2007 Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Award First Prize, 2007, prize for team, Ranked 6 in 9

[7] 2011 China Construction Science and Technology Award First Prize, 2011, prize for teams, Ranked 3 in AMSS team

[8] 2010 Best Paper Award of the 8th China Input-Output Conference, Weihai, China, 2010, prize for team, Ranked 1 in 6

[9] 2013 Best Paper Award of System Science and Complexity, Beijing, China, 2013.12, prize for team, Ranked 2 in 2, corresponding author

[10] 2015 Second Price of CAS Science and Technology Progress Award, 2015.11, ranked 5th in 10