
  • 日期:2014-09-16
  • 20002




2013年,国际学院筹建初期引进了卡耐基梅隆大学教授Li Ling-Fong到国际学院担任特聘岗位教师,同时协助进行留学生博士资格考试的实施。2014年 ,国际学院引进了美国威斯康星大学教授Shiu Man Lai Gary到国际学院。 目前,国际学院拥有由1名学院特聘教授和27名来自中科院17个研究所的研究员以及来自国科大7个院系的9名教授/副教授组成了雄厚的专业课师资团队。另外,从事汉语教学的教师共有10名。





国际学院于2014年6月始创立了前沿与交叉科学暑期学校,首期共历时两周。来自于世界各地,超过30个国家和地区共计80位正式学员(第一期生命与环境科学方向、第二期物质科学方向)成为暑期学校的首批学员。他们不仅会在课堂上感受院士、名师的学术风采与魅力,更要走进国家一流重点实验室参观,与科研一线的科学家及实验室工作人员交流与探讨科学问题。 暑期学校教师团队除来自科学院的院士,杰出青年入选者亲自授课外,更是汇集了来自美国威斯康星大学、荷兰代尔夫特理工大学、美国休斯顿大学、美国旧金山州立大学、丹麦技术大学、美国密苏里哥伦比亚大学、美国亚利桑那州立大学等世界一流研究型大学的优秀师资力量。

As China’s largest educational institution for graduate education, University of China Academic of Science (UCAS) has actively involved itself in the tide of China’s educational internationalization. The establishment of International College aims at taking the advantages of the educational resources of China Academic of Science (CAS) to boost the development of the university’s internationalization, and attract excellent overseas students to this multinational academic atmosphere. The key principles of International College are “Internationalization, Openness, Comprehensiveness and Perceptiveness”. The college will try to show its unique characteristics and combine scientific research and postgraduate education to become one of the world famous colleges.

Faculty and Students

In year 2013, during the early stage of establishment, International College introduced Professor Li Ling-Fong from Carnegie Mellon University as distinguished professor, at the same time to assist the implementation of PhD qualification examination. In year 2014, International College introduced professor Shiu Man Lai Gary from University of Wisconsin. The faculty team of International College now has 1 distinguished professor, 27 professors from 17 institutes of CAS and 9 professors/vice professors from 7 colleges of UCAS. Also there are up to 10 teachers for Chinese language teaching.

217 international students have enrolled in 2013-2014 academic year, and most of them are supported by scholarship programs. Students from 44 countries including 187 doctoral students and 30 graduate students will be cultivated cooperatively by international college and 66 institutes.

Education and Cultivation

International College has been trying to create an international atmosphere to attract and recruit excellent international students by internationalized cultivation mode. The college intends to build up a worldwide competitive faculty team to offer comprehensive and distinctive courses opened to all students in UCAS in English, and become an open platform for characteristic education and cooperative cultivation by collaborating with world famous universities and educational and scientific organizations. By the end of 2014, up to 14 professional courses are offered to all International College students in English. At the same time, the college has divided students into different groups to learn Chinese language according to his/her major, nationality, age and gender. In order to recruit high-quality and high-level students and promote rapid and healthy development of international students’ recruitment of the CAS and UCAS, the international college established the PhD qualification examination system. Recently, the establishment of the Asia-Pacific International Centre for Theoretical Physics will further promote the platform development of International College.

Summer School

International College of UCAS has founded the “Frontier and Interdisciplinary Sciences Summer School”, of which the first session was started in July 2014 and lasted for two weeks. 80 students from over 30 countries/areas have attended the summer school (In two series of sessions: Session A on life/environmental sciences and Session B on material sciences). Students not only have the opportunities to meet the top CAS academician in the courses, but also be able to visit China’s state key laboratory and discuss with the scientific researchers face to face. Professors of the summer school are selected from worldwide top research universities such as University of Wisconsin-Madison, Delft University of Technology, University of Houston, Technical University of Denmark, University of Missouri, Arizona State University, and Hong Kong University of Science & Technology as well as institutions of CAS.