
  • 日期:2015-03-17
  • 7890
职     称: 研究员
联系电话: (86)-010-62836576
电子邮件: hcjing@ibcas.ac.cn
个人网页: http://klpr.ibcas.ac.cn/content/?135.html
课 题 组: 能源植物分子设计育种研究组


        1965年10月出生江西省九江市,1986年和1989年在兰州大学获学士和硕士学位;1989年到1996年 在天津市农业科学院土壤肥料研究所工作,历聘研究实习员,助理和副研究员,副所长;1996年到1999年在荷兰瓦赫宁根DLO-CPRO(PRI)访问研究;1999年至2004年在荷兰格罗宁根大学攻读博士并获得博士学位;2004年到2008年在英国洛桑研究所做博士后;2008年至今为于中科院植物所资源重点实验室分子设计研究组组长,2010年入选中科院“百人计划”。目前,指导博士后1人,在读博士生和硕士生5人,联合培养博士生和硕士生3人。




[1] “高粱基因组大片段缺失的结构变异分析及其功能研究” 国家自然科学基金委员会基金面上项目(2013.1-2016.12),资助金额80万元,主持人 景海春

[2] “重离子诱变机理研究”,中国科学院 知识创新工程重要方向项目(批准号:KJCX2-EW-N05-2)(2011.1-2014.12),资助金额60万元,课题主持人  景海春

[3] “氮高效利用转基因玉米新品种培育”转基因生物新品种培育重大专项项目(批准号:2009ZX08003-004B)(2009.6-2011.12,资助金额437万元,主持人 景海春

[4] “拟南芥OLD11基因的功能分析” 国家自然科学基金(批准号:113097025201)(2010.1-2012.12),资助金额28万元, 主持人  景海春

[5] “甜高粱耐盐碱育种新材料的培育” 中国科学院 知识创新工程重要方向项目(批准号:KSCX2-YW-g-067)(2009.1-2011.12),资助金额200万元,主持人  景海春



Tahir J., Watanabe M., Jing HC , Hunter D. A., Tohge T., Nunes-Nesi A., Brotman Y., Fernie A. R., Hoefgen R. and Dijkwel PP (2013), Activation of R-mediated innate immunity and disease susceptibility is affected by mutations in a cytosolic O-acetylserine (thiol) lyase in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal 73: 118–130. doi: 10.1111/tpj.12021


 Jing HC, Nam HG. (2012) Leaf Senescence in Plants: From Model Plants to Crops, Still so Many Unknowns., Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 54(8):514-515

Li FC, Ren SF, Zhang W, Xu ZD, Xie GS, Chen Y, Tu YY, Li Q, Zhou SG, Li Y, Tu F, Liu L, Wang YT, Jiang JX, Qin JP, Li SZ, Li QW, Jing HC, Zhou FS, Gutterson N,Peng LC (2012), Arabinose substitution degree in xylan positively affects lignocellulose enzymatic digestibility after various NaOH/H2SO4 pretreatments in Miscanthus. Bioresour Technol 130(0): 629-637

Zheng LY, Guo XS, He B, Sun LY, Peng Y, Dong SS, Liu TF, Jiang SY, Ramachandran S, Liu CM and Jing HC* (2011) Genome-wide patterns of genetic variation in sweet and grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolour). Genome Biology 12(11)R114

张丽敏,刘智全,陈冰嬬,郝东云,高士杰,景海春 (2012) 我国能源甜高粱育种现状及应用前景.中国农业大学学报, 17(6):78-82


Zheng LY, Guo XS, He B, Sun LY, Peng Y, Dong SS, Liu TF, Jiang SY, Ramachandran S, Liu CM and Jing HC* (2011) Genome-wide patterns of genetic variation in sweet and grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolour). Genome Biology (Accepted)

Zheng LY, Guo XS, He B, Sun LY, Peng Y, Dong SS, Liu TF, Jiang SY, Ramachandran S, Liu CM and Jing HC* (2011) Genome data from sweet and grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolour). GigaScience http://dx.doi.org/10.5524/100012


Shirzadian-Khorramabad R, Jing HC(Co-first author), Everts GE, Schippers JHM, Hille Jand Dijkwel PP (2010) A mutation in the cytosolic O-acetylserine (thiol) lyase induces a genome-dependent early leaf death phenotype in Arabidopsis. BMC Plant Biology 10:80 doi:10.1186/1471-2229-10-80

Jing HC *, Bayon C, Kanyuka K, Berry S, Wenzl P, Huttner E, Kilian A and Hammond-Kosack KE. (2009) DArT markers: diversity analyses, genomes comparison, mapping and integration with SSR markers in Triticum monococcum. BMC Genomics 10:458, doi:10.1186/1471-2164-10-458

Hofinger BJ, Jing HC, Hammond-Kosack KE and Kanyuka K. (2009) High-resolution melting analysis of cDNA-derived PCR amplicons for rapid and cost-effective identification of novel alleles in barley. Theor Appl Genet 119 (5): 851-865

Jing HC, Hebeler R, Oeljeklaus S, Sitek B, Stühler K, Meyer HE, Sturre MJG, Hille J, Warscheid B, Dijkwel PP. (2008) Early leaf senescence is associated with an altered cellular redox balance in Arabidopsis cpr5/old1 mutants. Plant Biology 10 Suppl 1:85-98. (Plant Senescence Special Issue).

Jing HC and Dijkwel PP. (2008) CPR5, a jack of all trades in plants. Plant Signaling & Behavior 3: 562–563.

Jing HC, Lovell D, Gutteridge R, Jenk D, Kornyukhin D, Mitrofanova OP, Kema GHJ and Hammond-Kosack K (2008) Phenotypic and genetic analysis of Triticum monococcumMycosphaerella graminicola interaction. New Phytologist 179:1121-1132.

Jing HC, Anderson L, Sturre MJG, Hille J and Dijkwel PP(2007) Arabidopsis CPR5 is a senescence-regulatory gene with pleiotropic functions as predicted by the evolutionary theory of senescence. J. Exp. Bot. 58:3885-94. Epub 2007 Nov 22.

Jing HC, Kornyukhin D, Kanyuka K, Orford S, Zlatska A, Mitrofanova OP, Koebner R and Hammond-Kosack K (2007) Identification of variation in adaptively important traits and genome wide analysis of trait-marker associations in Triticum monococcum. J. Exp. Bot. 58:3749-64.

Schippers JHM, Jing HC (Co-first author), Hille J, and Dijkwel PP (2006) Developmental and hormonal regulation of leaf senescence. In Senescence Processes in Plants. Blackwell publisher. (Book chapter)

Jing HC, Lovell D, Kornyukhin D, Kanyuka K, Tearall K, Phillips A, Orford S, Koebner R,  Mitrofanova OP, and Hammond-Kosack K. (2005) New approaches for durable disease resistance in wheat, Proceeding of the BCPC International Congress & Exhibition – Crop Science & Technology. P963-970.

Jing HC, Schippers JHM, Hille J, and Dijkwel PP (2005) Ethylene-induced leaf senescence depends on age-related changes and OLD genes in Arabidopsis, J. Exp. Bot. 56:2915-23

Jing HC, Hille J and Dijkwel PP (2003) Ageing in plants: conserved strategies and novel pathways, Plant Biology 5, 455-464.

Jing HC, Sturre MJG, Hille J and Dijkwel PP(2002) Arabidopsis onset of leaf death mutants identify a regulatory pathway controlling leaf senescence. The Plant J. 32, 51-64.