
  • 日期:2015-03-17
  • 12397
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何军毕业于中国科学院半导体研究所(2003),获工学博士学位,导师王占国院士。同年8月赴荷兰艾茵霍温科技大学(Tu/e)应用物理系做博士后。 2005年8月-2007年8月, 美国加州大学Santa Babara (UCSB)材料系。2007年8月-2010年11月美国加州大学Los Angeles (UCLA), California NanoSystem Institute (CNSI)。2010年11月进入国家纳米科学中心,被聘为“百人计划”研究员,博士生导师。研究领域为应变自组装纳米结构材料的可控生长和光电性质研究及器件应用。 




1. F. M. Wang, Y. J. Wang, X. Y. Zhan, M. Safdar, J. R. Gong*, and J. He*
Pt nanoparticles and CdS quantum dots assisted WO3 nanowires grown on flexible carbon fibers for efficient oxygen production
CrystEngComm. In press

2. M. Safdar, Q. S. Wang, M. Mirza, Z. X. Wang, K. Xu, and J. He*
Topological Surface Transport Properties of Single-Crystalline SnTe nanowire
Nano Letters. 13, 5344-5349 (2013)

3. Q. S. Wang, M. Safdar, Z. X. Wang, and J. He*
Low-Dimensional Te-Based Nanostructures
Advanced Materials. 25, 3915-3921 (2013)

4. Y. J. Wang, Q. S. Wang, X. Y. Zhan, F. M. Wang, M. Safdar and J. He*
Visible light driven type II heterostructures and their enhanced photocatalysis properties: a review
Nanoscale. 5, 8326 (2013)

5. M. Safdar, Z. X. Wang, M. Mirza, F. K. Butt, Y. J. Wang, L. F. Sun* and J. He*
Telluride-based nanorods and nanosheets: synthesis, evolution and properties
Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 1, 1427 (2013)

6. M. J. Chen, H. Q. Zhou, F. Yu, H. C. Yang, G. Wang, J. He* and L. F. Sun*
Tuning the layer-dependent doping effect of graphenes by C60
Nanoscale. 5, 8359 (2013)

7. F. Yu, H. Q. Zhou, Z. X. Zhang, G. Wang, H. C. Yang, M. J. Chen, L. Tao, D. S. Tang, J. He*, and L. F. Sun*
Controlled Fabrication of Intermolecular Junctions of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube/Graphene Nanoribbon
Small. 9, 2405-2409 (2013)

8. M. Safdar, X. Y. Zhan, M. T. Niu, M. Mirza, Q. Zhao, Z. X. Wang, J. P. Zhang, L. F. Sun* and J. He*
Site-specific nucleation and controlled growth of a vertical tellurium nanowire array for high performance field emitters
Nanotechnology. 24, 185705 (2013)

9. J. L. Cao, M. Safdar, Z. X. Wang and J. He*
High-performance flexible supercapacitor electrodes based on Te nanowire arrays
Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 1, 10024 (2013)

10. Y. J. Wang, F. M. Wang and J. He*
Controlled fabrication and photocatalytic properties of a three-dimensional ZnO nanowire/reduced grapheme oxide/CdS heterostructure on carbon cloth
Nanoscale. 5, 11291 (2013)

11. Q. S. Wang, M. Safdar, X. Y. Zhan and J. He*
Controllable wettability by tailoring one-dimensional tellurium micro–nanostructures
CrystEngComm. 15, 8475-8482 (2013)

12. K. Xu, Z. X. Wang, X. L. Du, M. Safdar, C. Jiang and J. He*
Atomic-layer triangular WSe2 sheets: synthesis and layer-dependent photoluminescence property
Nanotechnology. 24, 465705 (2013)


1. Z. X. Wang, H. Yin, C. Jiang, M. Safdar, and J. He*
ZnO/ZnSxSe1-x/ZnSe Double-Shelled Coaxial Heterostructure: Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Performance and Its Optical Properties Study
Applied Physics Letters. 101, 253109 (2012)

2. Z. X. Wang, M. Safdar, C. Jiang, J. He*
High-Performance UV-Visible-NIR Broad Spectral Photodetectors Based on One-Dimensional In2Te3 Nanostructures
Nano Letters. 12, 4715-4721 (2012)

3. Z. X. Wang, X. Y. Zhan, Y. J. Wang, S. Muhammad, Y. Huang, J. He*
A flexible UV nanosensor based on reduced graphene oxide decorated ZnO nanostructures
Nanoscale. 4, 2678-2684 (2012).

4. Z. X. Wang, X. Y. Zhan, Y. J. Wang, M. Safdar, M. T. Niu, J. P. Zhang, Y. Huang, J. He*
ZnO/ZnSxSe1−x core/shell nanowire arrays as photoelectrodes with efficient visible light absorption
Applied Physics Letters. 101, 073105 (2012)

5. Y. J. Wang, Z. X. Wang, S. Muhammad, J. He*
Graphite-like C3N4 hybridized ZnWO4 nanorods: Synthesis and its enhanced photocatalysis in visible light,
CrystEngComm. 14, 5065-5070, (2012)

6. M. Safdar, Z. X. Wang, M. Mirza, C. Jiang, and J. He*,
Crystalline indium sesquitelluride nanostructures: synthesis, growth mechanism and properties,
Journal of Materials Chemistry. 22, 19228-19235 (2012)

7. J. He*, F. Bao, J. P. Zhang,
Capping effect of GaAsSb and InGaAsSb on the structural and optical properties of type II GaSb/GaAs quantum dots
Applied Physics Letters. 100, 171914 (2012).

8. Y. J. Wang, X. J. Bai, C. S. Pan, J. He, Y. F. Zhu
Enhancement of photocatalytic activity of Bi2WO6 hybridized with graphite-like C3N4
Journal of Materials Chemistry. 22, 11568-11573 (2012)

9. Q. Jin, D. X. Li, Q. Qi, Y. W. Zhang, J. He, and C. Jiang
Two-Step Growth of Large Pentacene Single Crystals Based on Crystallization of Pentacene Monolayer Film
Crystal Growth & Design. 12, 5432-5438 (2012)

10. J. H. Zhu, S. Y. Wei, N. Haldolaarachchige, J. He, D. P. Young , Z. H. Guo
Very large magnetoresistive graphene disk with negative permittivity
Nanoscale. 4, 152-156 (2012).


1. Y. J. Wang, J. Lin, R. L. Zong, J. He, Y. F. Zhu
Enhanced photoelectric catalytic degradation of methylene blue via TiO2 nanotube arrays hybridized with graphite-like carbon
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A-Chemical. 349, 13-19 (2011)

2. J. He, C. J. Reyner, B. L. Liang, K. Nunna, D. L. Huffaker
Band alignment tailoring of InAs1-xSbx/GaAs quantum dots: Control of type I to type II transition
Nano Letters. 10, 3052-3056 (2010)

3. J. He, Y. Wu, and K. L. Wang
Structure and composition profile of InAs/GaAs quantum dots capped by InAlAs and InGaAs combination capping layer
Nanotechnology. 21, 255705 (2010)

4. J. He, K. Yadavalli, Z. M. Zhao, N. Li, Z. B. Hao, and K. L. Wang
InAs/GaAs nanostructures grown in patterned nanoholes on Si (001) by molecular beam epitaxy
Nanotechnology. 19, 455607 (2008)

5. H. Krenner, C. E. Pryor, J. He, and P. M. Petroff
A semiconductor exciton memory cell based on a single quantum nanostructure
Nano Letters. 8, 1750-1755 (2008)

6. J. He, H. J. Krenner, J. P. Zhang, Y. Wu, D.G. Allen, C. M. Morris, M. S. Sherwin and P. M. Petroff
Growth, structural and optical properties of self-assembled (In,Ga)As quantum posts on GaAs
Nano Letters. 7, 802-806 (2007)

7. J. He, R. Nötzel, P. Offermans, P. M. Koenraad, Q. Gong, G. J. Hamhuis, T. J. Eijkemans, and J. H. Wolter
Formation of columnar (In,Ga)As quantum dots
Applied Physics Letters. 85, 2771 (2004)

8. J. He, B. Xu and Z. G. Wang
Effect of In0.2Ga0.8As and In0.2Al0.8As combination layer on band offsets of InAs quantum dots
Applied Physics Letters. 84, 5237 (2004).
