
  • 日期:2021-10-19
  • 1863


        20211015日,加深留学生对国科大历史的了解, 国际学院教师全体留学生参观了中国科学院与“两弹一星”纪念馆,学习了解中国老一辈科学家们隐姓埋名,攻坚克难,为新中国“两弹一星”事业艰苦奋斗的岁月历程。

On October 15, 2021, UCAS international college students visited the Museum of Nuclear Bomb, Missile and Satellite of Chinese Academy of Sciences in order to deepen international students' understanding of UCAS. They learnt the spirit of "Two Bombs and One Satellite," featuring patriotism, dedication, hard work and the courage to scale new heights in science and technology.


                                                                                                        全体合照 group photo


    “两弹一星”纪念馆是国科大 “两弹一星”事业的发祥地。“两弹一星”最初是指原子弹、导弹和人造卫星。“两弹”中的一弹是原子弹,后来演变为原子弹和氢弹的合称;另一弹是导弹。“一星”则是人造地球卫星。“两弹一星”项目为中国发展尖端科学技术奠定了坚实的基础。

The Museum of Nuclear Bomb, Missile and Satellite of CAS is the birthplace of the “two bombs and one satellite" project. Nuclear bomb includes atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb, while missile indicates the guided missile, and the satellite is the first artificial satellite in China called Dongfanghong One. The success of this early nuclear and space project laid the foundation for developing cutting-edge science and technology for China's national defense.



       在讲解员的带领下,留学生们有序地参观了中国科学院与“两弹一星”事业展厅、“两弹一星”历史人物展厅。在事业展厅内,同学们更加深入了解了“两弹一星”事业的发展历程和中国科技发展的主要历程;在人物展厅,留学生们认真倾听了讲解员对中国老一辈科学家们感人事迹的讲述。 国际学院的留学生Satti zulqarai(赛帝)表示:“非常感谢国际学院的老师们的陪伴,我们今天的参十分愉快,也了解了很多伟大的中国科学家的故事”

Under the guidance of volunteers, inernational students visited the first exhibition hall which focuses on the history of this marvelous project. In first exhibition hall, the students had a deeper understanding of the development of "two bombs, one satellite" and the main course of China's science and technology development. In the next exhibition hall, the students listened carefully to the stories of 17 great scientists who have worked in the Chinese Academy of Sciences. As the winner of the "Two Bombs and One Star" Meritorious Medal, they have made outstanding contributions to the cause of the “two bombs and one satellite”. One of the international student Satti Zulqarnain said: Well noted with kind regards and Thanks laoshi we really enjoyed today, it was great honor for us to have your company. We got lot of information about the great scientists of China




After visiting the Museum of Nuclear Bomb, Missile and Satellite of Chinese Academy of Sciences, students continued to visit the viewing platform of the UCAS, enjoying the beauty of Yanqi Lake. The sun is just right, and the breeze is gentle. Students see the blue sky, the mountains in the distance, the Yanqi Lake in front of students, and the panoramic view of UCAS... all of the students appreciated the beautiful scenery and started taking pictures. This activity not only refreshed the students, but also enhanced the communication among them.